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Category Archives: IRA


Avoiding 60-Day Rollover Mistakes in 5 Easy Steps

What is a 60-day rollover? A 60-day rollover is the distribution of funds from a qualifying retirement account payable to the account owner who then has 60 days to redeposit the funds into another qualifying retirement account. 1. Do trustee-to-trustee transfers instead. The best way to avoid making a 60-day rollover mistake is to avoid 60-day rollovers! Transfer your funds directly to another retirement account.


Are You Leaving Your Employer? You Have Six Options For Your Employer Plan Retirement Funds

1. Convert to a Roth IRA The plan assets don’t need to first move to an IRA. You can do a full or partial conversion as a direct rollover or a 60-day rollover. The advantages? Income-tax-free withdrawals of the converted amount may be done at any time; more investment options; flexibility in estate planning; less paperwork on a distribution; and flexibility in naming beneficiaries. 2.


Fixing Missed 60-Day Rollover Deadlines with Self-Certification in 5 Easy Steps

If I miss the 60-day deadline for completing an IRA rollover, is there any way to save the rollover amount from tax? Failing to complete a 60-day rollover on time can cause the rollover amount to be taxed as income and perhaps subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. However, the deadline may have been missed due to reasons that are not the taxpayer’s fault.


Using IRAs to Help Children in 5 Easy Steps

Can children have IRAs? There is no minimum age for having an IRA. Due to the power of compound interest, saving tax-free in an IRA from childhood can provide a significant head start on financial security. Saving $6,500 in an IRA annually from age 14 through 24 and earning 7% per year provides over $1 million at age 61—even without contributing after age 24! 1.


Using a Tax Refund to Fund an IRA in 5 Easy Steps

What does the basic process entail? An income tax refund can be directly deposited to an IRA up to the annual contribution limit. The contribution limit was $6,000 ($7,000 for individuals age 50 or older) for 2022 and $6,500/$7,500 in 2023. It can also be split among multiple accounts. 1. It is tax time! Prepare your tax return for the year. 2. Determine the refund amount.